The average American consumes about 200 cookies a year? 

This can produce as much CO2e as THREE cars driving around for one day.

Just from ONE person. 


Except it's not just one person... 

Over 20 billion cookies are made every year in the US.

Now that's a lot of nasty CO2e, yikes!

So what can YOU do?

You want cookies—I get it. It's fair. I want cookies too. And no cookie is carbon neutral. 

So what then?


We say buh-bye to the main culprits.

We ditch dairy. We ditch eggs.

Because by choosing Lunchbox, you instantly reduce your cookie greenhouse emissions by a whooping 70%

Awesomesauce, right?


But what does it all mean

CO2e? Greenhouse-what?

It's not like you majored in science or acronyms.

Let me paint you a picture...

If everyone in the US bought 12 of our big cookies, once a month, for a whole year ( mind you, that's less than what the average American consumes ) it would be like offsetting almost 8 million vehicles for six months.

That’s like taking every registered vehicle in the County of Los Angeles (8,000,000 vehicles) off the streets for HALF A YEAR.

Imagine that. 

LA. Car-less.


Food for thought, amiright?

And we haven’t even begun to cover how much land, how much water this would save. 

But, sure, we must be nuts thinking everyone is going to buy a dozen cookies, once a month, for a whole year (we can dream, right?)so what then?

The thing only takes a BIT to make a HUGE difference.

Purchasing three of our big dozens would not only be like removing a vehicle off the street for a whole day, we would ALSO plant one tree per dozen, 


You read that right.


Thanks to YOU.

 That's the kind of change we strive for. The equivalent of getting a car off the streets while planting trees—all while eating cookies. 

Do you believe me now when I say, together, we can save the planet?

What are you waiting for, then?

Data from:

Math by: 

Our not-so-tech-savvy team. No joke—we ran the math several times because even WE couldn't believe the numbers were that high.